power V L bloc OPzS Monoblok solar
sun | power V L bloc series OPzS bloc - vented lead-acid battery for cyclic applications Stationary, low maintenance lead acid battery for cyclic applications. IEC 60896-11, IEC 61427. Design acc. DIN 40736 part 3.
Your benefits
• Maximum cycle stability and durability in particular during PSoC operations
• Highest reliability in power supply for remote off-grid applications
• Quick and easy of electrolyte level and battery handling battery container made of impact-proof, highly-translucent polypropylene housing and battery lid with integral handle
• Optimal environmental compatibility closed loop for recovery of materials in an accredited recycling system Typical applictions
• Solar home storage systems
• Street lighting
• Signalling systems
• Medical care facilities
• Hybrid systems
• Stations of mobile communication